Easy Taco Dip on a platter.

Cold Dips and Salsas

You’ll find plenty of creamy cold dips and salsas made with fresh, colorful ingredients here. Dip in with chips, crusty bread, or a spoon. Hungry, like, 5 minutes ago? These cold dips and salsas will save the day. Many, including Easy Taco Dip, can be yours in 10 minutes or less.

You need not worry about digging out your slow cooker or cast-iron skillet to keep these creations warm. Cold dips and salsas are a low-fuss way to entertain (or keep your family from a full-blown case of the hangries before lunch or dinner). Including sweet Fruit Dip and Pineapple Salsa, savory French Onion Dip and Chipotle Copycat Tomato Salsa, nearly all of these cold dip and salsa recipes require zero cook time.

Newest Cold Dips and Salsas